Best Herbal Cancer Treatments

No studies have demonstrated that any herb can reliably cure cancer. However, several medicinal herbs can strengthen the body's defenses against cancerous growths. If you or a loved one is interested in using herbs as a complementary treatment for cancer, discuss the potential benefits and risks with a qualified oncologist who is intimately familiar with integrative medicine. While some anticancer herbs-- like turmeric-- are associated with very few side effects or drug interactions, others-- like pau d'arco-- may cause life-threatening reactions if they are misapplied.
Consider discussing the following medicinal herbs with your oncologist or other health care provider. He or she can help you evaluate the relative benefits and risks associated with each botanical medicine.


This fragrant spice, commonly used in Indian curries and other Southeast Asian dishes, contains potent antioxidant compounds that may ease problems ranging from nausea to arthritis. The
University of Maryland Medical Center reports that curcumin, a bright-yellow compound found in turmeric, may help to fight some forms of cancer. It does so by restricting bloodflow to tumors while protecting healthy cells from oxidative damage. Additionally, turmeric may ease stomach complaints associated with cancer treatment.
The root of the ginger plant has been used for centuries as a treatment for nausea and vomiting during pregnancy and illness. Today, integrative oncologists may recommend ginger as a complementary treatment for people suffering from nausea as a chemotherapy side effect. The University of Maryland Medical Center also reports that early, in-vitro studies suggest that ginger can help to destroy cancerous cells.
Green Tea
This tasty, high-antioxidant beverage is hyped as a cure for obesity, cancer, arthritis, and more. While much fo green tea's publicity if based in marketing and wishful thinking, it may offer value as a complementary cancer treatment herb. The American Cancer Society reports that green tea drinkers have lower rates of many forms of cancer; however, its efficacy as a cancer treatment is still under investigation. Your health care provider may advise you to avoid green tea if you are under treatment for prostate cancer; green tea appears to make prostate cells less sensitive to chemo.
Ginseng's value as an herbal cancer treatment is multifaceted. It may help to prevent anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances, mental fog and weakened immunity in patients undergoing chemotherapy. Additionally, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, people who take ginseng supplements appear to be at a significantly lower risk of developing ovarian, pancreatic, liver or lung cancers. Ginseng may help to restrict the growth of some kinds of tumors, but more research is needed to conclusively demonstrate this benefit.
Red Clover
Red clover is among the most controversial natural treatments for cancer. Many people using herbal products containing red clover, such as the Hoxsey, Floressence or Essiac cancer treatment formulas, have reported success. However, to date, there is little or no compelling evidence to support the use of clover as a cancer treatment option. Because it contains isoflavones-- natural compounds that are chemically similar to estrogen-- it may actually encourage the growth of hormone-sensitive cancers. Avoid red clover if you have ovarian or breast cancer.
Pau d'Arco

In its native South American range, this tropical evergreen is widely hailed as a panacea. The American Cancer Society reports that a compound found in pau d'arco can kill some types of tumor cells, including sarcoma. Contrary to popular misconception, pau d'arco is not toxic to the kidneys or liver on any level. However, the American Cancer Society warns that this herbal cancer treatment may inhibit blood clotting. If you decide to take pau d'arco, be sure you tell your health care provider. Do not take pau d'arco within three weeks of surgery; discontinue use immediately if you notice nose bleeds or any other signs of excessive bleeding.

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