Medicinal Uses of Devil's Claw

Don't let its diabolical name fool you-- devil's claw is one of the most versatile medicinal plants in the world. Named for the claw-like appearance of its flowers, devil's claw has been used for hundreds of years as a naturopathic medicine. Although more studies are still needed to conclusively demonstrate its safety and efficacy, devil's claw remains a popular herb-of-choice for several conditions. Here are a few of the most common uses attributed to devil's claw supplements.

Devil's claw appears to help reduce pain among people with osteoarthritis. Evidence suggests that 16 weeks of ongoing use of devil's claw can reduce osteoarthritis symptoms as effectively as some pharmaceutical treatments. However, fewer studies have found the same benefits for people with rheumatoid arthritis, a similar but ultimately unrelated condition.
Back Pain
Oral devil's claw supplements seem to reduce pain in the lower, upper and middle back. People coping with chronic back pain may use devil's claw alone or in conjunction with other treatments to minimize discomfort.
Muscle Ache
Most studies have demonstrated that devil's claw reduces pain in the bones, not necessarily the muscles. However, researchers are investigating devil's claw's efficacy as a treatment for muscle aches caused by exercise
Gout, a painful condition caused by excessive uric acid in the blood stream, can cause intense swelling in certain areas of the body-- especially the toes. Devil's claw may help to counteract the pain, swelling and inflammation caused by gout, but more studies are needed to confirm that it works.
Stomach Pain
Devil's claw was used historically to counteract upset stomach, indigestion and stomach pain. The herb may help to reduce gas and make bowel movements easier to pass. Unfortunately, very few studies have investigated its efficacy, so it remains unsupported by current science.

Appetite Stimulant
Devil's claw has been historically regarded as an appetite stimulant, although scientists have yet to fully confirm its effects. Your health care provider may recommend devil's claw as an appetite stimulant if you suffer from wasting, anorexia, or stress-related appetite loss.


Devil's claw's famed analgesic effects may help to relieve symptoms of migraine-- a serious neurological condition characterized by severe headache, nausea and visual disturbances. Early evidence suggests that devil's claw is effective for migraine, but more studies are needed to fully confirm these findings.

High Cholesterol

Like many medicinal herbs, devil's claw acts as an antioxidant. It appears to reduce oxidation-- damage caused by reactive oxygen compounds-- of "bad" LDL cholesterol. This could in turn help to prevent secondary cardiovascular disease. However, it should not be used in lieu of conventional treatments, sicnce its effectiveness has yet to be confirmed.

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