Natural Treatments for Bronchitis

My body is on such a tight schedule that I could set my calendar by it. Every year, a week before Thanksgiving, everyone in my family-- including me-- gets hit with a yucky case of bronchitis. I have spent many a November afternoon huddled in my room with boxes of tissues and hand sanitizer, pampering my daughter while coughing relentlessly.
One would think that I had learned my lesson by now. As soon as I pull out my "magic" cocktail of herbal remedies, the bronchitis remits for me and everyone else who takes it. I've depended on the same set of medicinal herbs to chase away the bronchial blues year after year. My doctor fully supports this set of remedies and encourages me to use them as adjuncts to conventional treatments-- but, of course, it's up to you to talk to your own doctor before trying any medicinal herb. Now my only challenge is outgrowing my stubbornness and taking these herbs before-- not after-- the infection becomes severe.

Oil of Oregano

I use oil of oregano both orally and in a nasal spray when I get bronchial infection. Oregano oil has potent antibacterial properties and is widely recommended as a natural antibiotic. Although no well-designed studies have investigated oregano oil's specific efficacy as a treatment for bronchitis, it may help to prevent the secondary bacterial infections 
that can occur in the wake of viral respiratory infections.

Thanks to irresponsible supplement manufacturers selling ephedra as an unapproved weight loss aid, this herb is now almost entirely unavailable in the United States. However, if you happen to grow it yourself or know small-scale herbalists who do grow it, ephedra can be a very safe and effective treatment for bronchitis. Ephedra contains low, bioavailable doses of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, two compounds sold over-the-counter as decongestants. Of course, avoid ephedra if you have any form of heart disease or if your doctor advises you to avoid stimulant medications.
There's nothing in the world quite as satisfying as the chilling, soothing sensation provided by eucalyptus. Drink it in a tea to set it straight to work in easing bronchial spasms and soothing an irritated throat. Alternatively, add it to a humidifier or a hot bath and inhale the gentle, healing steam. Eucalyptus can also be used topically in a salve or massage oil-- try placing it on your temples, throat and chest. Be sure to check with a doctor before using eucalyptus oil if you have a history of asthma or allergies.
Elderberry gets first-place on my list of my all-time favorite botanical medicines. Elderberry syrups have no side effects whatsoever and are completely nontoxic, even for the youngest children. Compounds in elderberry help to directly fight infectious viruses and can reduce the durations of colds, flu, and viral bronchitis by several days. Elderberry is also anti-inflammatory and may help to reduce fevers and inflammation.

Of course, while botanical medicines can be safe and powerfully effective, no medicine outweighs common sense. If your bronchitis symptoms are severe or persistent, always contact a qualified health care provider. Your physician may recommend a combination of both conventional and holistic remedies to treat your condition and its symptoms.

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