Who shouldn't take DHEA?

DHEA, a hormone produced naturally in the human body, is sold as an over-the-counter supplement and naturopathic medicine. Although evidence is still somewhat limited, preliminary scientific studies have suggested that DHEA can treat several common conditions, including schizophrenia, erectile dysfunction, lupus and osteoporosis.
Although DHEA can be safe when it is used cautiously, under the guidance of a qualified health care provider, it is not appropriate for everyone. There are many DHEA contraindications. If you are in any of the following high-risk groups, do not take DHEA. It may cause serious side effects, including life-threatening problems.
Pregnant Women
Most practitioners regard pregnancy as a DHEA contraindication. DHEA can increase levels of androgen, a male hormone, in pregnant women. This could lead to pregnancy problems such as miscarriage and preterm labor. It could also interfere with the baby's hormonal development, leading to birth defects. Avoid DHEA supplements during all stages of pregnancy.
Breastfeeding Mothers
Women who are nursing should avoid DHEA supplements. Because it can interfere with levels of lactation-related hormones such as estrogen, prolactin and progesterone, it may cause a decrease in breast milk supply. Additionally, DHEA may pass into breastmilk and harm the nursing child.
Women with Hormone-Sensitive Conditions
If you have a hormone-sensitive medical condition, such as breast cancer, endometriosis, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, polycystic ovary syndrome, or uterine fibroids, you should not take DHEA. It may increase estrogen levels, leading to worsened symptoms. You also should not take DHEA if you have a history of a hormone-sensitive cancer, even if it is now in remission. DHEA could cause it to return.
People with Liver Disease
If you have any form of liver disease, including hepatis, cirrhosis, fibrosis or liver cancer, you should not use DHEA. Supplements containing DHEA may worsen these conditions, so liver disease is regarded as a DHEA contraindication. Many other supplements and medications are also unsafe for people with these conditions, so it is particularly critical to consult your health care provider if you have any form of liver disease.

There are many other safety concerns regarding DHEA, so always consult your health care provider before taking any nutritional supplement or naturopathic drug.

1 comment:

  1. Thank's for Sharing very useful information on DHEA.

    DHEA, dehydroepiandrosterone, is most abundant adrenal steroid hormone in the body. It is secreted by the adrenal gland and serves as aprecursor for testosterone and estrogen which regulates fat and mineral metabolism, endocrine and reproductive function, and energy levels. DHEA levels peak around age 25 and then decline steadily.

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